Been on the acquire Matt Olson train for a while. I combined the Tex/Oak prospect rankings at FG. Rangers have 8 of the top 10, and 14 of the top 20. Texas has 45 prospects graded at 40 and up, A's have 23. Oakland needs to shed $, Texas is adding payroll. This club is in a position to give them an every day, cost controlled 1st baseman (Lowe) and should be able and willing to add a prospect package that doesn't harm this system.

I'd love to see Washington back in Oakland, particularly if they go for a re-boot. One thing for sure, his boys will play above their experience level, he's that good at getting the best from his group. That said, I'd hate playing him 19 time a year.

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I know you’ve been banging that Olson drum. If they are indeed going rebuild, it makes sense.

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As a manager Wash makes a great third base coach. He was the epitome of the Peter Principle as a manager.

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Ron Washington knows how to lead players, get them to play hard and play to the style he wants. The 2010 and 2011 Rangers are prime examples of that. To say he wasn't behind their success is incorrect.

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Then, we have a big disagreement about him and about which opinion is incorrect.

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I won’t hold it against you

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The Peter Principle and Wash as a manager; that is harsh!

I feel Wash got the most out of the roster he was given on a consistent basis.

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